ALDI Weekly Ad Special Buys Holiday Nov 24
ALDI Weekly Ad Special Buys holiday Nov 24 offers are extremely good quality foods in general. This ad contains a lot of goodies for everyone. Holiday Bakery offers like cake mate, stonemill essentials, chocolate bars are available in pg 3. Totally 8 pages are displayed in the preview.
Very interesting deals by ALDI will make your day !
Bakery is the main stone of the treats. Most of the things to be served guest are made through bakery and ALDI knows this covering this kind of products on their ad. Mixers, electrical kitchen products, oil and pantry switch&save deal on pg 4 are also included in this category. See some of the good products:
- Crofton cookie sheet $3.99 PG 4
- 3-tier cooling rack $5.99
- Holiday tableware set $12.99
- Anchor hocking 2-quart batter bowl with lid $6.99
- Crisco veg oil $2.91
Great products are all discount products now. Save more with bakery products of ALDI Ad on pg 5. 50% off holiday products will make everything better. While watching TV having conversation with guests these will assist you to entertain more.
Toys of ALDI AD can also be entertaining fact for everybody. Use some of them as decorative accessory in your living room or bedroom. Prices are lovely, quality seems better than anything in this ad.
- Animated holiday plushes $9.99
- Techno gears marble mania skyscraper $24.99 !
- Hot Wheels Matchbox gift pack of 5 $3.99 !
Kids@work toys, Grafix Christmas products, ball blaster and many more offers are also featured on the same section !