CVS Weekly Ad Beauty Products Oct 15 – 21 2017

2 min.

CVS Weekly Ad Beauty Products Oct 15 - 21 2017Get a lot of extrabucks with the latest beauty products from CVS Weekly ad. On pg 5, you can earn extrabucks with the purchases of Neutrogena cosmetics, Burt’s bees cosmetics, Wet n Wild, Sally Hansen cosmetics, Rimmel Cosmetics, and more. BOGO deals on skin and hair care products on pg 6. Dove body wash, Cetaphil facial care, Aveeno facial care, Olay facial care are examples of the current deals. Much of the extrabucks rewards can be earned with the purchases of hair products.

Love your skin. Take care of it very well. Olay, L’Oreal, Aveeno facial care products, anti-ageing cosmetics, will be either BOGO deal, or they will give you extrabucks rewards with your purchases of certain amounts. Palmer’s hand body lotion, Vaseline lotion and more like-class products are in the range of CVS Ad that you can browse via this preview.

Also, don’t forget to check out the cover page of the ad for more cosmetics that are sold with extrabucks earnings.
