Food Lion Ham Dec 6 – 12, 2023

2 min.

Food Lion Weekly Ad Dec 6 – 12, 2023 offers hot sale items. Food Lion ham deal appears on the first page. Pay only $.99 for shank portion ham and save $.90 per lb if you spend $35 min. on grocery excluding ham and some other products. Look for the requirements on the first page.

Food Lion Ham Dec 6 - 12, 2023

Another ham deal is for Smithfield Shank Portion ham. Both have limit of 2. Use MVP digital coupons to save on quite a few products from grocery and other departments. Coupons are some of the best ways to save on regular expenses like produce. Fresh Express Chopped Salad kits will be 2/$5. Why pay the full price when you can get a discount with coupons? Food Lion BOGO free sale is also a major part of the ads this week.

Many more deals are available on Food Lion Ad this week. Browse Food Lion ham Dec 6 – 12, 2023 and other deals, MVP digital coupons, breakfast foods, holiday specials, premium quality meat. You can compare deals like mix & match sale to other ads. Use the coupons to save on holiday products as well.
