Kroger Ad Preview Mix and Match May 15 – 21, 2019
This is one of the previews that are the early look of the Wednesday Ad. In the mix and match sale as it seems to be in the ad preview, breakfast foods and snacks are available. The preview also shows the Friday & Saturday digital coupon sale. Use these coupons up to 5 times. Method hand soap and Rubbermaid take alongs food storage are both on sale with these digital coupons. You can buy natural and organic foods this week at Kroger. The deals on fresh Laura’s lean ground beef, RxBar, organic blueberries are worth to see in the ads.
One of the best sides of all Kroger Weekly sales is their grocery items. Multiple-buy deals, weekly discounts, a significant amount of products advertised are the reasons to find these on pg 7. There is also BOGO free sale for some items. Buy Ioon sunglasses for only $4.99 at Kroger. An extended range of mix and match sale (Buy 5, Save $59) is on pg 9-10. Earn 2x fuel points with participating items.
Buy 5, Save $5 final prices:
- Cheetos, Fritos, Popchips $1.77 pg 2
- Kellogg’s cereal $1.79
- Breyers or turkey hill ice cream $2.49
- Green Mountain coffee $4.99
- Charmin bathroom tissue $8.99
Friday & Saturday Only: