Kroger Weekly Ad Butcher and Fresh Grocery 13 May 2015
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Kroger Weekly Ad 13 May 2015 prices are good until WED. You can find fresh meat at buthcher shop of the Kroger and fresh groceries with the best kind of quality from all around the world. This week Kroger has got a brilliant selection of them. Strawberries, corn, cucumber, grapes and a lot more of fresh groceries are featured on pg; 2. On pg; 3 you can find meat products of the best kind. Order online on the official page of Kroger as well. You can also call 1-877-894-3707 for the meals which you can see on Kroger Ad.
Kroger Weekly Ad butcher and fresh grocery 13 May 2015 prices are available generally on pg; 2-3.
Sweet corn wrapped $0.39 with card.
Corn is very good taste especially in summer. It’s cheap and delicious and you can make a lot of things with it. Just look for the recipes on the internet.
English cucumbers 4 for $5
Cucumber is full of water. If you intend to prepare a salad or a fresh drink like non-alcoholic mojito you may prefer to add some of these.
Zucchini squash $0.99
Avocados $0.99
Excellent exotic taste from American lands.
Romaine red or green lettuce $0.99
An essential part of a salad with a meat meal. Very healthy choice of veggie on the vital part of Kroger ad.
Red Seedless grapes $1.99 lb.
Grape is important part of a fruit salad and it looks very nice when you are serving fruit for your guests. It is kind of a vital part of hosting I guess. Especially in summer in America !
Kroger Meat 13 May 2015 – 19 May 2015
Check out latest prices of meat good through 19 May 2015.
Boneless strip steak $8.99 lb.
Tyson boneless chicken breast $2.79 lb.
Kroger chicken breasts, chunks or cutlets $6.99 with card.
Also see packed meat products on pg; 3. Please go to preview page of the Kroger Ad via the category page. Don’t forget to subscribe the weekly ads !