Meijer Weekly Ad Deals February 11 – 17, 2018
Welcome to another discussion on Meijer Ads. Happy Valentine’s Day. Today you may browse for the products from every category that is aimed to be a thing of a weekly consumption of a household. Fresh products, meat, snacks, beverage, soda packs and Valentine’s Day gifts as the special of this week are in the content.
If you are seeking a good deal on a fine gift there is a gift sale on pg 2. True Goodness lunchmeat, organic almondmilk, organic quinoa, organic pasta sauce, organic bread and more items are featured products of the Meijer Ad.
The latest ads are similar to this one. BOGO Free products will be valid until a new sale. See the fresh produce and BOGO 50% off apples on pg 6. Chobani flip and Greek yogurt drink are available on pg 7. Chobani yogurt is now celebrating their 10th year. Their success is undeniable. Main grocery products including a wide range of packaged food deals like Cheerios, Campbell’s tomato soup, and soda packs or other beverages can be found on pg 8-9.
- 80% Lean Ground Beef $2.49 lb.
- Family Pack Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs $.79 lb.
- Nabisco Oreo Cookies 6-15.35 oz. or Smartfood Popcorn 5.5-10 oz $5
- Totino’s Frozen Pizza Rolls 40 ct. or Snacks 8.8-19.8 oz. or Jack’s Pizza 14.5-17.7 oz 2 for $5
- Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels $5 off
- Purex Liquid 65-75 oz. or Snuggle Fabric Softener 32 oz. or Sheets 70-80 ct $2.99
Valentine’s Day gifts in general :
- Hershey’s or Mars Candy Singles Buy 5 Get 1 Free pg 2
- Premium Heart Box Candy $9.99
- Decorated Cupcakes $5.99
- Lofthouse Frosted or Shortbread Cookies 2 for $5
- Fresh Premium Rose Bouquet $25.99
- Fresh Premium Floral Bouquet $19.99
- Fresh Premium Dozen Rose Arrangement in Vase $29.99
- Greeting Cards Buy 3 Greeting Cards Get plush free
- Valentine Craft Kits $.49 50% off
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