Publix Weekly Ad Deals Chanukah Nov 23 – 28, 2018

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Publix Weekly Ad Deals Chanukah Nov 23 28Happy Chanukah! Festive food is available at Publix for lower prices. Save on products such as Manischewitz potato pancake mix, Morey’s Fish fillets, Elite chocolate coins, Streit’s Chanukah candles, Kedem grape juice, Streit’s toasted pasta and more products on pg 2. Get $10 off for $50 gas card purchase. Publix Weekly Ad Nov 23 – 26 has offers on the first page. Aidells sausages or meatballs will cost $10 for 2. Publix medium white shrimp will be BOGO Free. Recipe of pan-roasted steak pasta with pecans is readable on pg 3. Check out seafood and meat products including BOGO Free deals. Wild-caught fish is one of the delicious products from Publix stores. You have fresh fruits on sale. Apples, pears, mandarins, raspberries, seedless grapes are all in the part of fresh products from Publix Ad.

Chanukah festive food and Publix discounts:
