Publix Weekly Ad Deals May 10 – 16 2017 Preview

3 min.

Take a look at this Mothers Day gifts sale on cover page of Publix Weekly Ad May 10 – 16. Publix Weekly Ad Deals May 10 - 16 2017 PreviewThey have a lot of flowers, sweets, and the food products you love to see on Publix Weekly Ads. To get this weekly ad each week you can follow on Facebook or Twitter but the best way is leaving your e-mail here. Above the box is for your e-mail for sbuscription. NY strip steaks, rose bouquet, and more products are also in Mothers Day gifts. Publix makes it easy to shop for this week.

Truffles, bouquet, chocolate products and more are featured on pg 2. Recipe of butter-basted rosemary steaks is readable on pg 3. Publix meals are available on pg 4. Seafood and meat products are available on pg 4-5. Check out pg 6-7 for fresh produce including California mandarins priced at $4.99. Another great deal from fresh produce is that of organic strawberries priced at $3.99. Publix offers salad blends and Florida sweet corn on pg 7. Bakery and deli products are perhaps the loveliest product category of Publix Weekly Ads. These products are viewable on pg 8-9.

Good selection from these categories and deals;

Bogo free items of Publix Ad are available on pg 10-12. One of their their usual sales is bogo free. You can find bunch of them on these pages.
