You should go to to see the Red Hot Weekend specials today. If you like this store. Weekly deals, low prices, Hy-Vee Perks and digital monthly ad are all featured offers of the week. Hy-Vee Weekly Ad has been published today and it contains Red Hot Weekend sale, too. There is a $.99 sale for the weekend. You can buy everything under a dollar. Ham portions, vegetables, Progresso Soup, taco tortillas, paper towels, and many more products are featured offers.
My selection from Hy-Vee Red Hot Weekend Jan 26 – 28:
- Fresh chicken drumsticks or thighs
- Cook’s super trim ham portion
- Hy-Vee vegetables
- Progresso soup
- Bolthouse Farms baby-cut carrots
- Hy-Vee apple juice
- General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles or Gardetto’s
- Hy-Vee peanut butter
- Hy-Vee tortillas 8 to 20 ct. or soft taco tortillas 10 ct
More Than Hy-Vee Red Hot Weekend Jan 26 – 28 In the Ad
Find more offers in the Hy-Vee Ad this week. You can find digital coupons on products like Dove Deodorant, Hy-Vee Cashews, tomatoes, and many more offers. Save on gas, too. Fuel Savers are probably the most beloved deals of truck owners who shop at Hy-Vee stores on a weekly basis.
Hy-Vee Digital Coupons this week:
- Dove deodorant
- Bounce or Downy fabric sheets
- Hy-Vee cashews
- Hy-Vee peanut butter filled pretzels
- Crav’n Flavor sandwich cookies
- Hy-Vee tomatoes
- Downy, Gain or Dreft fabric beads
Some of these digital coupons are also fuel-saving coupons. Moreover, if you like to save with coupons and weekly ads, you should subscribe to the newsletter of