Target Labor Day Deals and Next Week’s Weekly Ad

2 min.

Target Labor Day Deals and Next Weeks Weekly AdThis week again, Target presents an entertaining product range consisting of delicious food for your grilling party. Celebrate Labor Day with the best snacks you love. Grill some burgers and make hot dogs for everybody attending your party. Buy fresh sweet corn at Target for only 2/$5 until Aug 31. Moreover, fresh fruits like watermelon and grapes are in the grill party range in the Target Ad. You can buy a watermelon for only 2/$5. Obviously, these wouldn’t be enjoyable without proper drinks and side snacks like potato chips. Buy Pepsi, Mtn Dew, Heinz Ketchup, and earn free $t Target gift card with Pepsi or Frit-Lay snacks. Target coupons can be very useful in terms of savings when it comes to grocery.

However this weekly ad is incomparable to the supermarket ads like Publix or Kroger, there are still great things in the grocery sale. A lot of multiple deals are currently valid deals on Cheerios, Simply Juice, and more items. Visit pg 19 for the details of breakfast foods. If you want to shop grocery on Target online shop visit this page.

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