Try Walmart+ For Free

2 min.

Try the Walmart+ for free for a while, and then start paying only $12.95/month or $98/year. But what you can get for being a member of this system? It’s similar to the loyalty programs of other retailers like Amazon. But I think the most important thing is the free shipping and no minimum limit for your orders. Get free delivery to the stores, too. If you want to quickly drive to the Walmart store, grab your things on your own, it’ll be free for you. But there is a limit to that. Also, you will get special prices on fuel, too. Save $.5 per gallon fuel. Use Walmart & Murphy stations. Walmart actually calculated what you will save using Walmart Plus.

Walmart Plus

Walmart+ will also provide in-app features like scanning. Use your phone to safely do the checkout contact-free. Scan for products in stores to add them to your cart. With the added items to the app, you can get them paid for at the self-check-out register. You will receive an e-receipt and exit pass. It’s like those futuristic no-register stores except there is a register but you can pay on your own. Almost revolutionary retailing system. It’s called mobile scan & go. Browse the Walmart Ad for deals.
