Winn Dixie Weekly Ad Preview Mar 12
Winn Dixie Weekly Ad Preview Mar 12 featuring the new prices for weekend sale, seasonal fresh food, meat, St. Patrick’s Day specials, seafood, dairy or frozen food, staying down products, groceries and simple home needs and many more. Get the lowest prices for these products.
Weekend sale of this week is $1.50 dozen large eggs.
Seasonal fresh food covering potatoes, cauliflower, asparagus, mandarins, seedless grapes, Russet potatoes and obviously Strawberries 2 for $4. Get the best prices for these products. Strawberries hels you loose your weight and it strengths your short term memory.
MEAT products and St. Patrick’s Day Mar 17 products were featured on pg 3. Fresh boneless farms chicken breast, cubed steaks and Green cabbage are among the contained list of products. Meat contains Vitamin B, Zinc, and half of need of protein for an adult can be supplied from just meat.
SEAFOOD offers by Winn Dixie are available in pg 5. Some considers shrimps as the healthiest food in the world. 113 grams of (4.00 oz) of a shrimp contains 50% phosphorous. It also contains Iodine, Copper, Vitamin E, Zinc, Protein of course, Selenium, Vitamin B12 and more. Check out price of the shrimp on pg 5 of the ad.
RECIPE by Winn Dixie for a delicious meal was featured on pg 6. You can also find bakery products in this page. Fruit pies, family pack of cinnamon buns, mini cupcakes and more products are available in this ad.
DAIRY products, which is my favorite part of all ads, are juice, yogurt, ice cream, milk, coffee creamer and more on pg 7. Yogurt contains potassium, zinc, Vitamin B5, B12 and even more sources. It helps your body get good bacteria and recover your body. Generally %0 fat yogurt with no added sugar or anything like that is the best. There are Greek yogurts from Yoplait in the pg 7 of the Winn Dixie Ad you can purchase for only $0.85 !