Winn Dixie is one of the stores that have plenty of BOGO Free deals. Particularly, Winn Dixie Ads have a significant amount of savings in BOGO Free sales. Oscar Mayer Franks, Arizona tea and much more are featured items. When you look at the first page you can see the weekend sale. Meat and snacks are the majority there. Even more discounts can be noticed on the early parts of the ad while you walkthrough. SE Grocers Rewards are bonus points to be earned by the purchase you make on pg 6. They are mostly bulky buys. Purchase more than one and save more in these items. Besides, these are the products you would buy as essentials in your fridge or pantry. Earn 40-200 bonus points with these purchase. View the page for all details about how much you can win. You can follow our Facebook page to track this kind of posts.
- Frito-Lay Party Size Bags 2 for $7 pg 6
- Nabisco Single Serve Tray Pack $3.99
- Kellogg’s Pop-tarts 3 for $6
- Hormel Snack Tray $7.99
- Red Bull Singles 2 for $5
- Smart Balance Spreads $5.99
- White Castle Cheeseburgers 2 for $8
- Snack Pack Pudding or Gels 5 for $5
- Hunt’s Manwich 5 for $5
- Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Family Size Cereal $3.99
- Evian Singles 3 for $5
- Pure Leaf Tea, Mountain Dew KickStart or Propel Singles 10 for $10
- Kraft Macaroni & Cheese 2 for $3
- Del Monte Fruit Cups 2 for $5
- Keebler Caddy Pack $3.99
- College Inn Broth 2 for $5
- SE Grocers Resealable Quart or Gallon Bags $1.79
- SE Grocers Designer Plates or Bowls 2 for $5
- International Delight or Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Creamer 2 for $6
- Old Spice, Olay or Ivory Body Wash or Old Spice Shampoo $3.49
- Crest Toothpaste $2.99
- Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats, 9Lives Dry Cat Food or Gravy Train Dry Dog Food $8.99